Today we learned that you should really buy gas. Even if you think you don't need it, even if it's probably overpriced. Buy it anyway. A non-freaked out wife costs much less in chocolate penance. (Note from Aaron: We didn't actually run out of gas. The low gas warning beeped... and then thirty kilometers later beeped again... and then thirty kilometers later we finally got to a town that had gas.)
Animals we've seen so far this trip:
- Bear Cub (we decided to stay IN the car, since one of us has never seen a bear that close up before, let alone without fences)
- Moose (much more intimidating up close than the stuffed animals and cartoons would lead you to believe - these things are HUGE)
- coyotes hunting deer
- Buffalo
- elk
- caribou (so cool!)
- deer
- Bighorn sheep
Unfortunately, I was working in the car yesterday so my shutter finger wasn't as quick and we missed some good pictures. Hopefully today will be better.
Here's some of what we did get:

Aaron is so darn cute. He found a friend!

Apparently, this canyon is a huge mystery to geologists. It's pretty to the rest of us.

How old is it? How did it get here? I wonder what weird stuff people have dropped in?
The road to Alaska:

Hello from Leah! We went to Kona for happy hour last night, and I have to say it just was not the same w/o you (and weird guys buying Sushi) there! I just want to tell you I have been enjoying your hilarious blog commentary - so thanks for the laughs! Hope everything is magical, and can't wait to hear about your new home!