Animals we've seen so far this trip:
- Bear Cub (we decided to stay IN the car, since one of us has never seen a bear that close up before, let alone without fences)
- Moose (much more intimidating up close than the stuffed animals and cartoons would lead you to believe - these things are HUGE)
- coyotes hunting deer
- Buffalo
- elk
- caribou (so cool!)
- deer
- Bighorn sheep
Here's some of what we did get:
Aaron is so darn cute. He found a friend!
Apparently, this canyon is a huge mystery to geologists. It's pretty to the rest of us.
How old is it? How did it get here? I wonder what weird stuff people have dropped in?
The road to Alaska:
Hello from Leah! We went to Kona for happy hour last night, and I have to say it just was not the same w/o you (and weird guys buying Sushi) there! I just want to tell you I have been enjoying your hilarious blog commentary - so thanks for the laughs! Hope everything is magical, and can't wait to hear about your new home!